Friday, November 26, 2010

Lupita & Alvaro

I skipped cooking for Thanksgiving this year, Adam (my son) and I decided on having dinner at the Hilton's restaurant. So, finally I got around doing the post production on these photos. Alvaro and maria also photographers, I was very honoured to take their 'preggo' photos. Yes, Little baby Anna Isabella was born since, she is a beautiful little baby girl with the most perfect round head !

PCC Cont. Ed Class

As a photographer, just like many other professions,  better accept the fact, educating oneself will never stop. New style, new technology, new niches..gotta stay updated. I enrolled myself in a studio lighting class at PCC. Well, my class got cancelled and I got no word... There was a make up class in session and the teacher was kind enough to allow me to participate... so, they day was not a complete bust

Mentoring young photographers

Focus On Youth  is an outreach organization to disadvantaged young people interested in photography. Every Friday the group gets together and we go to locations to shoot or stay in the class room when the weather is to wet ( moisture is bad for cameras!)

I very much enjoy working with these kids, they are eager to learn and they create beautiful art !

Baby Trevor

My friend, Photoshop Genius Elaine Pawski invited to go along with her taking 'One Year Old' photos of her friends baby, Trevor.

He is such a sweetie ! Possibly the most cooperative one year old I have ever met ! It was so much fun !

Corporate Head shots

That Perfect Tree

It is on Padden Parkway in Vancouver, by Costco. (Yes, I am a Costco shopper, any mother of boys will testify, no such thing as too much food!)

Back to the tree, it is on a vacant lot and it is so majestic, such a perfect creation of nature. I am dreading every time, that next time i come this way, it will be gone... road building has started, I am sure before too long another strip mall or apartment complex will pop up. I had to stop and and take photos of it, so when the day arrives, it will not be completely gone.. I will have my photos !

First snow !

November 2010

November is the official beginning of winter -for me, at least. Days are shorter, temperature drops, we start pulling out out warm clothes and dreading the start of Christmas commercials on TV. Yes, they are just around the corner...